
SpatialJS Core

SpatialJS Core is a powerful library for building spatial applications for the open web.

SpatialJS Logo

Make the magic of the next generation of computing.

Build Spatial Apps on the Web. Example Music Player.render of the above code
npm install @spatialjs/core react @react-three/fiber three @react-three/uikit @types/three

Jump to Get Started to make your first Open Web Spatial App using SpatialJS Core.

Amazing Projects Making SpatialJS Possible:

React Three FiberPaul Henschel Twitter
React XRBela Bohlenderl Twitter
React Three UI KitBela Bohlender Twitter


  • Create and manage 3D windows in a spatial environment
  • Intuitive React components for building 3D UIs
  • Flexible window management with tiling, focusing, and minimizing
  • Support for VR/AR experiences
  • Easy integration with React Three Fiber
  • Create beautiful Spatial Apps
Build Spatial Apps on the Web. Example Office App.render of the above code

How to get started

Some familiarity with react, threejs, @react-three/uikit, @react-three/fiber and @react-three/xr, is recommended.

Get started with building your first Window and Spatial App, take a look at our Showcase to see SpatialJS in action, or learn more about:

Get started with building your first Window and Spatial App, take a look at our examples to see SpatialJS in action, or learn more about:


  • 🚢 Default WindowManager Dock Component
  • 🧩 Solidify Tiling Methodologies and Algorithms
  • 🧱 WebXR Wall/Mesh Support
  • ⚓ Anchor Support and Window Origin
  • 🔔 Notifications Windows
  • 🔄 Dynamic Lazy Loading Component

Quick Start

  1. Add the WindowManager to your scene
import { WindowManager, createWindow } from "@spatialjs/core";
<WindowManager />
  1. Add a Window to your scene
import { createWindow } from "@spatialjs/core";
const window = createWindow(MusicPlayer, {
  title: "My Window",


For detailed usage instructions and API reference, please refer to our documentation (opens in a new tab).


Check out our examples directory (opens in a new tab) for more advanced usage scenarios and demos.


We welcome contributions! Please see our contributing guidelines for more details. For questions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue on our GitHub repository (opens in a new tab).


If you want to help move development along faster, contribute code or sponsor us on GitHub (opens in a new tab).

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