Window Properties and Customization

Window Properties and Customization

This guide explains how to customize windows using the WindowInf interface from the windowStore and demonstrates practical usage with examples:

Table of Contents:

  1. WindowInf Interface
  2. Customizing Windows
  3. Window Management Examples
  4. Integration with @react-three/uikit

WindowInf Interface

The WindowInf interface defines the properties that can be customized for each window. Here are the key properties:

export interface WindowInf {
  id: string;
  title: string;
  subtitle?: string;
  icon?: string;
  position: Vector3;
  component: React.ComponentType<any>;
  props: any;
  width: number;
  height: number;
  isMinimized: boolean;
  isFullscreen: boolean;
  scale: Vector3;
  isFocused?: boolean;
  isClosable?: boolean;
  isResizable?: boolean;
  isMovable?: boolean;
  lookAt?: Vector3;
  followCamera?: boolean;
  onClose?: () => void;
  onMinimize?: () => void;
  onFocus?: () => void;
  disableTiling?: boolean;
  disableTitleBar?: boolean;
  disableIcon?: boolean;
  disableActionBtns?: boolean;
  disableBackground?: boolean;
  disableAdjustSize?: boolean;
  opacity?: number;
  rotation?: Euler;

Customizing Windows To customize a window, you can use the addWindow function from the useWindowStore hook. Here's an example of how to add a customized window:

const { addWindow } = useWindowStore();
  id: 'customWindow',
  title: 'Custom Window',
  position: new Vector3(0, 0, -5),
  component: CustomComponent,
  props: { customProp: 'value' },
  width: 300,
  height: 200,
  isResizable: true,
  isMovable: true,
  disableTiling: false,
  opacity: 0.9,

You can adjust any of the properties defined in the WindowInf interface to customize the window's appearance and behavior. Window Management Examples The WindowManagement.tsx file provides examples of how to manage windows using the useWindowStore hook. Here are some key functionalities:

  1. Listing active windows:
   const { windows } = useWindowStore();

Removing a window:

   const { removeWindow } = useWindowStore();

Focusing a window:

   const { focus } = useWindowStore();
  1. Scaling a window:
   const { setScale } = useWindowStore();
   setScale(id, new Vector3(1.2, 1.2, 1.2));

Tiling windows:

   const { tileWindows } = useWindowStore();
   tileWindows('grid', true);

Resetting window positions:

   const { resetWindowPositions } = useWindowStore();

Integration with @react-three/uikit The window management system integrates seamlessly with @react-three/uikit, a library for building performant 3D user interfaces for Three.js using React Three Fiber and Yoga. You can use uikit components like Container, Text, and Card to create the window content and management interface. For example:

import { Container, Text } from '@react-three/uikit';
// Inside your component
return (
  <Container flexDirection="column" alignItems="flex-start" padding={20}>
    <Text fontSize={24} marginBottom={20}>Window Examples</Text>

This integration allows you to create responsive and visually appealing 3D user interfaces for your window management system. For more information on using uikit components and their properties, refer to the uikit documentation. By leveraging the WindowInf interface, the useWindowStore hook, and uikit components, you can create a highly customizable and interactive window management system for your 3D applications.