

The WindowStore is a powerful state management solution for handling windows in a 3D spatial environment. It uses Zustand for state management and provides a comprehensive set of functions to manipulate windows.

Table of Contents:

  1. WindowStore Interface
  2. Key Functionalities
  3. Usage Examples
  4. Integration with React Three Fiber

WindowStore Interface

The WindowStore interface defines the state and methods for managing windows in a 3D spatial environment:

interface WindowStore {
  windows: Record<string, WindowInf>;
  defaultTileDistance: number;
  defaultFocusDistance: number;
  addWindow: (
    window: Omit<WindowInf, "component" | "props"> & {
      component: React.ComponentType<any>;
      props?: any;
  ) => void;
  removeWindow: (id: string) => void;
  updateWindow: (id: string, updates: Partial<WindowInf>) => void;
  updateWindowProps: (id: string, props: any) => void;
  setPosition: (id: string, position: Vector3) => void;
  setScale: (id: string, scale: Vector3) => void;
  setRotation: (id: string, rotation: Euler) => void;
  minimize: (id: string) => void;
  maximize: (id: string) => void;
  focus: (id: string) => void;
  unfocus: (id: string) => void;
  close: (id: string) => void;
  tileWindows: (
    mode: "grid" | "around" | "cockpit",
    adjustScale?: boolean
  ) => void;
  resetWindowPositions: () => void;
  originalPositions: Record<string, Vector3>;
  originalScales: Record<string, Vector3>;
  updateWindowSize: (id: string, size: Vector2) => void;
  recalculateTilePositions: () => void;
  currentTileMode: "grid" | "around" | "cockpit" | null;
  camera: Camera | null;
  setCamera: (camera: Camera) => void;
  resetWindowInfrontOfCamera: () => void;
  getPointInFrontOfCamera: (distance: number) => Vector3;
  debug: boolean;
  setDebug: (value: boolean) => void;
  selectedWindow: string | undefined;
  setSelectedWindow: (id: string) => void;