Window Appearance

Appearance - Theming and Customization

SpatialJS is built with React and uses the R3f and UIKit library for styling. If you want to create custom Windows all you have to do is to create a React Component and pass it to the createWindow function. You can create windows using custom designs and hide the default background and titlebar very easily.

Hide the Main Window Background

createWindow(HelloWorld, {
  disableBackground: true,

Hide the Titlebar

createWindow(HelloWorld, {
  disableTitlebar: true,

In this way we make it easy to use the benefits of the SpatialJS in existing UIKit apps that have a theme setup. Simply setup your own theme and components as use those in your Window Components.

In the future we will enable theme passing for setting the theme using these standard files. But for now you can use the UIKit components and theme setup as you normally do.